Satisfying sex positions to try

couple's feet in bed - Satisfying sex positions to try - Your sex life - Diet & wellbeing -

Click through our pick of the best positions for making love. There's something to suit everyone, from old favourites, to something slightly different, each demonstrated with a full-size full-colour photo, at the bottom of the page.

The positions we've chosen are taken from Tracey Cox's book '100 Hot Sex Positions' (Dorling Kindersley, £14.99), available from all good bookshops - including

Tracey Cox is an acclaimed 'sexpert', with over 15 years' experience, and here she offers warm and witty advice on how to get the best sex possible.

Click on one to try, or click through the numbered pages below...

Try the world favourite: the missionary position

Side by side

Crouching tigress: her on top

Sexy starfish

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